Vacuum Belt Filter is an efficient and reliable solid/ liquid separation unit suitable for dewatering a wide range of materials. Utilizing vacuum filtration, the filters have low capital, running and maintenance costs, thereby outperforming traditional rotary drum, disc, tilting pan and table filters in all situations where capacity, efficient cake washing and minimum liquor dilution are required. Furthermore, horizontal belt filters are being well accepted to dewater process plant tailings to be used as mine backfill or sent straight to the dry stack tailings impoundment. Vacuum Belt Filters provide a continuous vacuum on a horizontal plane. Slurries are fed onto a filter cloth supported by a traveling drainage belt. Horizontal belt filters are especially adaptable to applications where low cake moisture is desirable.
Each system has unique advantages that are applied to the filter based on the application requirements and your specific needs. The roller deck support system contains a number of low-friction rollers to support the belt, resulting in minimum drive power requirements. The rollers have internal bearings, which result in minimal maintenance and eliminate the need for a high-pressure blower. This reduces consumption of energy or lubrication water. The belt slides system is made up of disposable wear belts running on strips that utilize water to minimize friction. While this system eliminates the need for a high-pressure blower, more lubrication water is required. However, there are fewer moving parts so less maintenance effort is required.